Our First Frost & Changes in Available Produce

We have had our first frost in the area and although it was a light one, not a deep freeze it still has an impact on vegetables and fruit. Some of them thrive in the cool temps and the frost increases flavor. Others are more delicate and although they may survive a light frost or two, once the seasonal temps kick in on a regular basis they rapidly decline.  The first frost is a warning sign that summer vegetables are getting ready to retire, although some of them can produce for a little while longer with TLC such as covering them with burlap, row cover or blankets. These include cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes, eggplant, summer squash and okra. Other veggies such as broccoli, kale, cabbage, cauliflower. chard, lettuce, mustard, leeks, beets and radishes do well in the cooler temps and many of them after frost actually increase in flavor!
Thus the changes in what’s available at the Maryland Harvest online market! Alas, we are saying goodbye to tomatoes and zucchini as these delicate fruits and veggies take a rest for the season. At Chocolate and Tomatoes Farm, those plants produced a plethora of heirlooms and full-bodied red tomatoes and delicious zucchini squash which many have enjoyed over the past 4+ months!

What’s New this Week at Maryland Harvest
We’ve got PINK LADY & GRANNY SMITH Apples! 
Pink Lady apples have a crisp sweet-tart taste and are excellent for eating out of hand. They also store very well. Granny Smith apples are infamous for their use in apple pies. Order some of each from Maryland Harvest for your next pie recipe or just to enjoy!

We continue to have a variety of winter squash, okra, onions, Brussels sprouts, Gala, Jonathan, and  Golden Delicious apples along with lots of peppers, carrots, potatoes, sweet potatoes, lettuce, Asian mix of greens, green beans, herbs, fresh pasture raised eggs and more! And don’t forget the yummy Apple Butter, various jams, honey and Chocolates!